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About Maureen

Maureen Roberts

Maureen Roberts

The Essence Of Counselling

The essence of counselling is the relationship between the client and the counsellor which is a vital part of the therapeutic process. As trust is built up, counsellors will encourage their clients to look at aspects of their lives; their relationships and themselves, which they may not have thought of or felt able to face before. The counsellor will encourage the expression of these feelings, thus making them easier for the client to understand. By doing this counselling can help people know and understand themselves better, which can help them to develop a new way of seeing and experiencing their world.

My Counselling Approach

I practice as an ‘Integrative’ counsellor – which means that I will work in a way that is most appropriate to your needs. My learning has been developed across a number of psychological theories (including Psycho-dynamic, Humanistic, CBT and Gestalt) and whilst I call on all of these theories in my work my leaning is more towards a humanistic approach in the belief that, given the right support and understanding, people are able to explore and find their own resources to cope with their difficulties. I also regard myself as ‘user centred’ – meaning that with each client a mutually agreed contract focused on the clients agenda is formed.

Practical Counselling Experience

I have counselling experience in bereavement and loss, drug and alcohol misuse and addictions, anxiety, depression, stress, work and career issues, life difficulties, cancer, spirituality, sex related issues and coaching and personal development. I have experience of working with a diverse range of people of all ages.

Counselling Ethics

I am an accredited member of the BACP and work to the BACP ethical framework which provides a set of values that are an overarching set of beliefs that I as a Counsellor hold as special to my professional practice. Values are sometimes described as morals or rules by which we conduct our affairs and the BACP’s include respecting human rights and dignity, and ensuring integrity in client relationships – which I fully support.

Anything that is discussed within the counselling room is totally confidential (within the confines of legal constraints). As a professional requirement I receive regular support on my case load from an independent counsellor who is an experienced counselling supervisor – throughout which I maintain client confidentiality.

Counselling Qualifications

I am a diploma qualified counsellor and an accredited member of the British Association for Counselling and psychotherapy (BACP).

I have a Masters Degree in Positive Psychology and am committed to my continuing professional development to expand and update my knowledge and undertake training on a regular basis.

I have specialist training in counselling young people and children, creative arts in counselling including sand play therapy, bereavement training and substance awareness.

I am a PGCE qualified teacher/trainer. I teach Counselling Skills at West Herts College.