Privacy Policy

Maureen Roberts Counselling, Supervision and Coaching Privacy Statement

I will only use the information you tell me to help provide my Counselling, Supervision and Coaching services to you. None of your data will be shared unless I am legally obliged to do so. If you have any questions about this privacy policy please get in touch.

This privacy policy sets out how I use and protect any information you provide.
Please read this privacy policy carefully.

I am committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected and abide by my responsibilities under the Data Protection Act. As such I am registered with the Information Commissioner under the following reference ZA076453 Should you provide information by which you can be identified through the use of this website you can be assured that it will only be used in accordance with this privacy policy.

I may update this website and policy from time to time and you should check periodically to ensure that you are happy with any changes

What I collect…

I may collect the following information:

  •  your name, and that of your child or young person.
  •  Your address, and that of your child or young person (if different).
  • contact information for you, including your mobile phone number and email address
  •  demographic information about your child or young person such as their date of birth, gender and any additional or medical needs which may impact on the support or their comfort during sessions.
  • information regarding your reasons for seeking support, details of support previously received and relevant details of your child or young person’s background.


What I use your information for:

  • To communicate with you
  • To inform the bespoke support delivered to you, your child or young person.
  • Internal record keeping.
  • To monitor, evaluate and improve our support.

You are free to change your mind at any time. If you no longer wish me to hold your details please contact me and all records will be securely destroyed. Your data will be retained for 7 years from date of receipt, unless you ask us to delete is before then or you have consented to your anonymised data being used for research purposes. Contact details can be found on the ‘contact us’ page of my website


I use a password protected server and email account with the objective of protecting your privacy from unauthorised access and improper use. I will update these as appropriate when new technologies become available.
All personal data is stored separately from any notes made during Counselling, Supervision or Coaching sessions. Your personal data and session notes are stored securely in a locked cabinet and on a private password protected laptop and mobile phone.
My website does not currently use cookies.

Links to other websites

I will not release your personal information to third parties unless I have your permission or are required by law to do so.
You may request details of the personal information I hold about you under the Data Protection Act 2018. If you would like a copy of the information held on you please email using the contact form on the ‘contact us’ page of on my website
If you believe that any information I am holding on you is incorrect or incomplete please email me as soon as possible. I will promptly correct any information found to be incorrect.

Last update 10.06.19